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VIDEO: Judgement Day For Nigerian Lesbians

I reserve my comments....Just DOWNLOAD and Watch the VIDEO


  1. I 1der wen Nigerians started takin laws in2 dia hands. So wat if de r lesbians... Dose guys r just stupid nd in 1 word GAY. Dia is a law de passed on gay piple in dis country nd its definitely nt stupid boys floggin ladies 4 having sex. Dose boys in ? Shld b jailed 4 14 yrs.

  2. I know lesbianism isn't correct but this is just barbaric. Thos guys are just animals and sex starved. Horny idiots. Its a wicked thing to flog ppl even they killed someone. Savages. And yet they blame aluu community

  3. I concur...that's mean...

  4. Ds boys are d most stupid human beings alive. Who knows wat dey do too in the secrecy of their rooms. Bastards.

  5. Abegi... Nonsense... Is that the right thing? I even thought they killed them sef.. U guys are now saying they're gay because they weren't seduced by their stupid act.. I'm sure you'll support gay rights.. No hard feelings .. Just go and think well

    1. Oba u sound like a babaric idiot fool wat if they are ur sisters or relation.people like u are d worst in our society.

  6. Those boiz re bloddy bastards... Dey aint got brain bloody cultist.. Na by force make dose babes gree 4 dem.. Allah dose boiz go see d red eye of me..me na aye boi nd as una knw 4giveneSs is a sin d wan eye god samamkwe don. Mark una face..

  7. Wtf. Those girls shud be ashamed. Dis is nt england its africa its un-ethical. Well those guyz yook it P bt as 4 u all against dem I knw ur type. U ar d ones dat get fasinated by such act. What if it were guyz caught? Tell me? Hw wud u react to such.

  8. This cannot be termed judgement day but instead violation of human rights. this is a barbaric attitude of miscreant boys besides lesbianism is a private life issue. This should be investigated by the Police and the Port Harcourt government should watch closely such activities which can be under taken by cult boys.

  9. I really blame those girls,they don't know their rights? What rubbish? Iwld never allow those boys to treat me that way. Can u imagine? Making videos for themselves. Inside my own house!!!! I for kill them Bastards.

  10. the desarv to die according to bible

  11. Whatever these poor girls are doing in the privacy of their bedrooms is NON of YOUR Business!! The supposed "evil" of them having sex is not as vile as those thugs beating them, forcing them, watching them and filming them. All you religious nuts who're yet to have your ignorant eyes open will realize that life is far different for other people beyond the narrow confines of your primitive uneducated lives. I wish I could get just one picture of those savages who're violating those girls. Then you'll know that you cannot abuse a person like you're doing in this video. Barbarians Leave those ladies alone and fuck off!

  12. these guys who has done such an evil act, will never know peace in thier life. Them world will be filled with emptiness and though they're dead among the living.
    As far as practising lesbianism does not affect your studies or something, why take it all upon themselves and even have the guts to place the video out for everyone to see.
    For what they have done only, i believe they should be jailed for more than 14yrs cause the deserve even more than that. . .


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