The Anglican Church of the Province of Central Africa (CPCA) has said just as it performed a massive cleansing ceremony on all church buildings which operations consumated yesterday(Sunday).
The sexual vices were that significant that President Robert Mugabe was alerted leading to the head of state deciding to dump Kunonga, his long time ally and a leading supporter in the in the Anglican clergy.
Sources have claimed President Robert Mugabe’s repulsion to the alleged activities is the reason why Kunonga has found no state support as before.
The CPCA’s Bishop Chad Gandiya, yesterday finalised a cleansing exercise that began late in November, concluding it at the St Mary’s Cathedral in Harare. The exercise follows the takeover of all church properties that had been seized by the renegade ZANU PF former strong man bishop Kunonga.
The CPCA’s secretary Clifford Dzawo told reporters they were going to carry out similar cleansing ceremonies throughout the country to make churches usable following the alleged immoral defilement.
“We are going into all churches for cleansing as the churches had been turned into brothels when we were in exile. Kunonga had been made the custodian of the church by the court, but we want to thank the Lord because they have now understood that we are the rightful owners of the properties. The church has been rededicated to the Lord as we are now going to our rightful places of worship. Some places had been turned into crèches, receptions and bedrooms and were abused and now it (the cathedral) is now being used for the proper purpose it serves,” said Dzawo.
The ceremonies which include the burning of incense and sprinkling of holy water is meant to cleanse the properties of demonic or sinful entaglements
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